Matt Draper

Project Manager

Matt Draper

Who, living or dead, would you like to eat dinner with the most? And why?

Elon Musk. I believe his knowledge of technology has far surpassed anyone else in history and I can only imagine how many things he has up his sleeve that we don’t know about or are in development.

How did you get into construction?

Coming from a blue-collar family, there was always a form of “getting your hands dirty” that was ingrained in me growing up. Using those skills, I found myself ever curious about how things get taken apart or built which made joining the industry a natural choice.

What is your favorite project you worked on and why?

My favorite project to date would have to be SimpliSafe’s new headquarters. This project came to us from an existing and long-standing relationship, and we really had an A-Team to complete it. Everyone on this project, from top to bottom, was pushing this job in the same direction. That cohesive team environment made it fun to build while strengthening and creating new relationships along the way.

What is one thing on your bucket list and will you accomplish it?

Skiing out west and continuing to explore Europe. I hope that I’ll continue to knock off one trip a year, if I’m fortunate to keep that pace!



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