Joey Luchetti

Assistant Project Manager

Joey Luchetti

Who, living or dead, would you like to eat dinner with the most? And why?

I would like to have dinner with Larry Bird. I have always been a huge Celtics fan but am too young to ever get the chance to watch him play. I think he would have a lot of good stories about his life both on and off the court.

How did you get into construction?

I got into construction by working with my dad on weekends and summers. He was in residential construction, so I came to commodore to experience the commercial side of the business.

Who or what inspires you?

My family inspires me. I always try to work hard and strive to be my best to make them proud.

What is one thing on your bucket list and will you accomplish it?

One thing on my bucket list is to run the Boston Marathon. It is something that would be extremely challenging for me and that is why I really want to do it. I think I can accomplish it, I just have to find the right time and go for it.

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