Alex Wong
Senior Project Manager

What’s your secret talent that no one knows about?
I’m really not all that proud of this, but I know quite a few sleights of hand card tricks. I tend to be a bit of a fidgety person, and always messing around with something. Eventually, that turned into messing around with a deck of cards. I can make cards change from one to another instantly!
What is your favorite project you worked on and why?
20 CityPoint for Boston Properties. It was a great team both internally and externally that I enjoyed working with every day. The project scope was vast and intricate, which allowed for deep critical thinking and meaningful discussions with the teams for every facet of the job. The final outcome was amazing and really put all our team’s hard work into perspective, giving us feelings of accomplishment.
How did you get into construction?
I got my undergrad degree in Architecture. During my senior year, we had a few classes showing us what the daily operations of an architect would be like. When I started to realize that schematic design was only a small portion of what an architect does, I started to panic as this did not seem like what I was passionate about. I was lucky enough to have a contact in the construction field whose company was looking for a young, technology-driven kid to help bring their operations to the 20th century. This gave me my “in” with construction. Since then, every day I’ve gotten to learn something new about my job, which keeps me passionate, invigorated, and determined in my field of work.
What is one thing on your bucket list and will you accomplish it?
I want to get a hole-in-one. I sure hope I’ll accomplish it! But I want it to come naturally during a round of golf. I don’t want to go take a hundred shots at a single hole until one goes in. I really want to earn it.
Other people in Operations
Adam Lomnicki
Senior Project Manager

Adam Patching
Assistant Project Manager

Ally Pina
Assistant Project Manager

Andrew Kerble
C.O.R.E. / Project Engineer

Barbara Jarosz
Project Accountant

Beth Sullivan
Project Administrator

Brad Donovan
Assistant Project Manager

Brian Johnson
Director of Engineering / Project Executive / Life Science

Cameron Stewart
Project Manager

Cameron Tarini
Project Accountant

Chris Achille
Project Manager

Chris Catalano
Senior Project Manager

Dan Hudd
Project Executive

Daniel Kihara
Project Manager

Dave DuPuy
Senior Project Manager

David Czapkowski
Project Manager

Ed Whelan
Project Executive

Ellen Gilmore
Project Manager

Gavin Isbell
Project Manager

Halle Carter
C.O.R.E. / Project Engineer

Hunter Cooney
Assistant Project Manager

Jared Creighton
C.O.R.E. / Project Engineer

Jennifer Morrissey
Project Accountant

Jessica Ryan
Group Controller / Life Science

Joe Macchiarola
C.O.R.E. / Project Engineer

Joe Porricelli
Assistant Project Manager

Joey Luchetti
Assistant Project Manager

John Abucewicz
Project Executive

John Viotto
Assistant Project Manager

Jonathan Melgar
Project Manager

Josh Camerota
Project Manager

Josh Filler
Project Manager

Julie Erving
Project Accountant

Juliette Marquis
Assistant Project Manager

Justin Nadolney
Director of Operations / Life Science

Kate Starr
Senior Project Manager

Keith Crouse
Senior Project Manager

Kevin Pessolano
Project Executive

Kim Coudrey
C.O.R.E. / Project Engineer

Larry Gillis
Assistant Project Manager

Marcia Carlson
Senior Project Manager

Marcus Gonzalez
Director of Permitting

Maria Leal
Project Accountant

Mariana Zapata
Assistant Project Manager

Mark Goldsher
C.O.R.E. / Project Engineer

Martha McDaniel
Project Accountant

Matthew Patenaude
Senior Project Manager

Mike Costello
C.O.R.E. / Project Engineer

Nathalie Assens
Project Executive

Owen Mosher
C.O.R.E. / Project Engineer

Paul DuRoss
Project Executive

Paul Maneen
Project Executive

Philip Balboni
Senior Project Manager

Rachel Evans
Assistant Project Manager

Richard Torres
Senior Project Manager

Ricky Sughrue
Senior Project Manager

Rob Blanchard
Project Executive

Rob Duker
Project Manager

Robert Bullock
Assistant Project Manager

Ryan Diaz
Senior Project Manager

Sam Hickey
Project Administrator

Samantha Webb
Project Manager

Sami Fissehaye
Assistant Project Manager

Sean Callahan
Assistant Project Manager

Sean Tierney
Project Manager

Sen Blankinship
Project Manager

Seton King
C.O.R.E. / Project Engineer

Shaun Vasselin
Project Manager

Stephen Moltmann
Project Manager

Ted Alexander
Senior Project Manager

Timeo Sequeira IV
Assistant Project Manager

Tom Flagg
Project Manager