
Check out the latest project updates, along with what everyone is reading, watching, and talking about in the industry.

In The News

Jen Sinclair – Gardener Extraordinaire

Jen Sinclair is our Project Accounting Manager and the next feature of our “Focus on People” campaign. Whether she’s helping new Project Administrators to learn about business divisions or…

Jen Sinclair – Gardener Extraordinaire

Running the Boston Marathon with Denise

It started with a rambunctious husky named after a power tool company. Makita, like many of her breed, pulled hard on her walks. Denise, Commodore’s own Human Resources Manager…

Running the Boston Marathon with Denise

2021 Outstanding Subcontractors

We’re in a challenging business that has only become more complicated and constrained in the last year. With long days and tight deadlines, it can be difficult to find some…

2021 Outstanding Subcontractors

Dedham Public Safety – on to the next phase!

The long-anticipated Dedham Public Safety building received its last structural beam on Wednesday in the topping-off ceremony. History of the Project Starting back in the 1970s, the town, firefighters, and…

Dedham Public Safety – on to the next phase!

Insights from an Intern

Over the past few months as an intern at Commodore Builders, I have had the opportunity to learn and work with an amazing team that invested in my growth from…

Insights from an Intern