Shaun McDonnell


Shaun McDonnell

What is your favorite project you worked on and why?
69 A Street  – Great job and a great team.  This was my first time working with mass timbers, the new structure was built with CLT (Cross Laminated Timber). This is a relatively new material to the U.S. and this was the first job in Boston to use CLT. I expect to see this used much more in the future.

Who or what inspires you?
I really enjoy seeing a project come together.  There is no better feeling than when you get a chance to stand back and see how you and your team’s hard work paid off and the transformation of the project from beginning to end.

What is one thing on your bucket list and will you accomplish it?
Fly a helicopter –  I plan on signing up for an intro piloting course when the COVID19 stay at home order is over!

What is the craziest thing you’ve ever done?
Went skydiving in Maine when I was in college.  I will never forget when they first opened the plane door at 14,000’ and I was standing right there on the edge before jumping out.  If I had to describe myself I would say I was nervously excited.  I knew I was going to do jump no matter what, I just didn’t know what to expect.  Once we jumped out I wasn’t nervous anymore I was just in awe of the whole experience. I hope to do it again in the next few years.

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