Jeff Comeau


Jeff Comeau

What’s your secret talent that no one knows about?

I like to play ping pong.  I was on the ping pong club in college where I gained most of my skills. I even won a tournament on vacation in Mexico.  The prize was tequila.

What is your favorite project you worked on and why?

My favorite project I worked on was 50 Liberty Drive in Boston.  This was a 14-story luxury apartment Building in the seaport. This was one of the most challenging jobs I was a part of because of the high level of finishes and tight construction schedule. We had a very strong project team, and I was proud to be part of it.

How did you get into construction?

Construction has always been in my life.  I loved helping my father with all the home projects and anything construction related.  Growing up, I was always amazed by how my father knew how to build almost anything.  I chose to pursue a career in construction so I could work to master all those skills.

What is one thing on your bucket list and will you accomplish it?

I’ve always wanted to ski the Alps.  I have been skiing my whole life and just recently started going outside of new England.  I plan to make the ski trip to Europe within the next few years.

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