Lisa Scheele

Manager of Human Resources

Lisa Scheele

Who, living or dead, would you like to eat dinner with the most and why?

Ruth Bader Ginsberg. Justice Ginsberg’s story has been such an inspiration, seeing what she was able to accomplish at a time when the women’s rights movement was just started. The adversity she faced and persevered through, and her fair approach in reviewing the cases before her are an honorable example and I think it would be interesting to hear more of her stories.

What is your favorite project you worked on and why?

While at FEI, I was able to help the organization build out career paths for our field technicians. While the organization has been around for many years, it’s been more recent that they had rapid growth. For me, being able to lay out paths for development & helping the managers understand the resources available to help their employees grow was incredibly important work. We all like to continue challenging ourselves but don’t always know where to go to take that next step, so I was very proud to help my last company be able to accomplish that!

What is one thing on your bucket list and will you accomplish it?

Well, one that I was just able to check off my bucket list was attending a P!nk concert, and at Fenway no less!

Still on the list is to re-schedule a trip to Belgium & the Netherlands, which was unfortunately cancelled due to Covid.

What is the craziest thing you’ve ever done?

I’m not sure how crazy this was, since it was a guided tour, but definitely one of the coolest experiences I’ve had is snorkeling at night with manta rays. It was amazing to see these animals up close while they were feeding at night, and how gentle and playful they were. I highly recommend this if you make it to the big island in Hawaii!


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