Finding inspiration in the journey with Sami Fissehaye

Sami Fissehaye’s journey to Commodore Builders has been nothing short of remarkable. His resilience, persistence, and focus exemplify how a positive mindset and willingness to learn can breed success. With a Bachelor of Science in Civil and Environmental Engineering and a Master of Science in Structural Engineering, Sami brings a wealth of experience and a thirst for knowledge to his role as a project engineer in the C.O.R.E. training program.
Sami’s story begins in Khartoum, Sudan, where his fascination with construction was born. He was inspired by his father, who worked in construction. Sami would pour over the plans his father brought home, fascinated with the process of bringing those plans to life. After finishing high school, Sami had the opportunity to work alongside his father, further solidifying his passion for construction.
Sami left Sudan when he was twenty-three years old, coming first through Libya and Tunisia before arriving in the U.S. and settling in Boston. He spent two years at Bunker Hill Community College before transferring to UMass Lowell where he completed his Bachelor of Science. After graduating, he worked briefly as an engineering technician while pursuing his master’s degree, balancing work and school. He says, “It was an amazing journey when I look back from where I am now. Sometimes I reflect on just how challenging it was, but I feel a tremendous sense of accomplishment.”
Sami broke new ground in the C.O.R.E. program as the first to complete the Safety and Compliance rotation with Chuck Borstel and Marcus Gonzalez. He spent his first rotation learning the ins and outs of permitting, safety, QA/QC, and risk management before heading out to a job site.
Sami approaches his work with advice from John Maffei, superintendent at Commodore: “Be like a sponge.” He tries to understand everything before forming an opinion, continually asking questions. He believes in being adaptable and flexible, tailoring his approach to best support his teams’ needs.
Sami’s thirst for new experiences extends far beyond his work. In his spare time, he plays soccer with friends and is always looking for new skills to learn. He’s recently gotten into swimming, kayaking, and hiking, and is teaching himself how to rollerskate.
For Sami, it’s about the journey far more than the destination.
The Construction Operations & Resource Education (C.O.R.E.) is an intensive three-year rotational program designed to expose entry level talent to all facets of construction management. Are you ready to roll up your sleeves and get to work? Apply for the C.O.R.E. program today!